Business Owner Services

Hightower LakeWater principals have a deep understanding of the local business environment and what it takes to build a successful business in this region.

Actively Building Your Business

Taking Care of Your Family and Employees

Preparing for succession or a sale

Monetizing your business

At Hightower LakeWater, we have the necessary resources to help you position your business for growth in the early years and prepare to exit the business when you’re ready.

Deciding whether (and when) to sell your business will be one of the hardest decisions you will face as a business owner. Most entrepreneurs build their companies from the ground up and have invested not just their money but years of work and perseverance to get their business to where it is today. Family-owned businesses require a special focus, to support the health and longevity of the business as ownership is transferred to the next generation.


  • Investment management and financial planning services to allow you to take care of yourself, your family, and your employees throughout the lifecycle of your business-from inception to exit.

  • Liquidity event prep and business succession planning to assess viable event options, including buy-sell agreements, as well as enhance business valuation to help business owners maximize value and attain their desired liquidity goals.

  • Coordinate the process to select and engage an Investment Banking partner to execute M&A transactions for your business.

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Securities offered through Hightower Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, Hightower Advisors, LLC is a SEC registered investment adviser.

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